Peter Thomas

My name is Peter Thomas; I am a 41 year old father of two. I am a British citizen born and educated in South Africa. I have been living and working in the UK since April 1998.
In February 2002, after being treated for a suspected stomach ulcer, I collapsed at work during a business meeting; I was diagnosed with GIST. Over a 4 year period I have had 4 abdominal surgeries. In the process I have lost my entire stomach, spleen, left adrenal gland and 2/3 of my pancreas. I needed extensive surgery to repair my digestive track, enabling me to eat. This surgery also enabled me to sleep in a lying down position after having slept in a seated position for 18 months.
If there was ever a guaranteed diet, then this was it. At the start of the illness, I was a strong 112 Kg and at my lowest, I had dropped to 65 Kg's. The weight loss and inability to eat was probably a greater risk to my life than the cancer itself. I have survived through incredible support from family and friends, faith and at times shear bloody mindedness.
Currently I have several large tumours dotted around my abdomen. Further surgery is not possible. After Glivec (wonder drug) failed me, I was put onto a trial with a drug by the code name of SU011248. The drug is being trialed by Pfizer. We know already that these drugs are not a cure. They simply manage the cancer and hopefully buys us time to find more long lasting alternatives.
Some days I feel terrible and life is a struggle - but generally my plan is to live and live with as much passion as I am throwing at being involved in GISTe-2-e.
In all of this, we need to think of those kids in the same support group as I am. They have had as much surgery and medical problems as I have - but they are just kids !! We need to look hard at saving their lives. I have had a good innings already, so I am at peace with what my outcome may be. However I would hate to lose this fight without having tried for the kids.